
Hi! I am Rohan Routh

An Aspiring Web Developer

Hey!! Rohan, this side. I am a student who's currently pursuing his Engineering. As of now I live in CoochBehar, West Bengal. Generally you'll find me busy on my laptop or phone either scrolling memes or making them. Besides that I'm greatly enthusiastic about learning various Development techniques and coding as well. You can call me an ambivert. I like to meet people and listen to their ideas, philosophies and thinking. That's pretty much it.



St. Mary's High School,
West Bengal (2018)

Maheshwari Public School,
Kota, Rajasthan (2020)

B.Tech in ECE from IIIT KOTA
Jaipur, Rajasthan (2024)


Chess ♔

Cricket 🏏

Football ⚽

Drawing 🖌

Books 📚

Music 🎻

Online games 🎮

Photography 📸

Travel ⛺

Food 🍗


EICID Project on JEE Counselling Website

Code Chronicles 3.0 (Current)

LCD Display using Arduino

Basic Tic-Tac-Toe game using Vanilla Javascript

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